7 Best House Cats That Don’t Shed

Best House Cats That Don't Shed

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Trying to find the best house cats that don’t shed?

Do you love cats but don’t want to experience allergic reactions?

Ever since the ancient Egyptians attributed mystical powers to them, cats have caught our eye in a way that is impossible to describe. Many people would love to have a cat around the home. Unfortunately, it’s not always an easy decision to get one.

Many cats shed quite a bit, and this can cause problems for keeping your home clean and ensuring your indoor air quality is under control. A cat that sheds a lot can trigger significant allergic reactions in some people.

If you have even the slightest allergy to cat dander and find it is upset by cats that shed, you might need to look for a cat that doesn’t produce much dander or that is completely hypoallergenic.

Luckily, we’ve got you covered. Below we’ll list the 7 best house cats that don’t shed (or that don’t shed much).

1. Sphynx

Sphinx - Hypoallergenic House Cats That Don't Shed

When you think of a cat that doesn’t shed, your mind probably immediately jumped to the Sphynx. This is the most famous of the hairless breeds. Keep in mind, though, that although this is a cat without fur, your little friend will need consistent grooming, including weekly baths.

2. Bengal

Blue Bengal - Best Cats That Don't Shed Much

Adopting a Bengal cat is like welcoming a member of the big cat family into your home. They have a lot of the same markings as their larger family members and are very active, taking a vocal role in just about every activity. If you want to have an amazing cat that actually resembles a tiger, this is one of your best options.

3. Russian Blue

Russian Blue - Best Hypoallergenic Cats

The Russian Blue cat actually sports a sleek grey coat that perfectly matches with their usual shade of green eyes. This is a sleek, soft cat whose fine fur doesn’t leave much dander lying around to upset your allergies. These cats are very affectionate and are sure to be found in a cozied up position very close to you. As an added bonus, these cats also have a very interesting background as well.

4. Siamese

Siamese Cat - Non-Shedding Cats and Kittens

With their distinctive coloring and wide-set eyes, is it any guess that the Siamese is on a list of favorite cat breeds? They grow their luxuriant hair very close to the body. This means that there will be no room left for an underlying layer of dander.

5. Lykoi

Lykoi Cat - Good Cats That Don't Shed Too Much

The Lykoi is a cat breed from Japan, where they are endearingly compared to the werewolf, or a partially furred one, anyway. The Lykoi is very affectionate, though not very vocal. Keep in mind that these cats aren’t hypoallergenic. However, they shed only seasonally about 2-3 times per year and tend to not shed too much while regrowing their top guard hairs. Because this breed will generally shed its fur several times a year, the cat will require a consistent brushing schedule.

6. Birman

Birman Cats - Non-Shedding House Cats and Felines For the Family

If you thought that getting a cat that doesn’t shed, or that doesn’t shed as much as other cats do, meant getting a cat with little fur, wait until you see the Birman. It’s long and fluffy coat is made of very fine fur that is naturally non-matting. It needs only the most basic amount of grooming. These cats are affectionate and curious and adapt well to living with children and other pets.

7. Exotic Short Hair

Exotic Shorthair - Best Hypoallergenic House Cats That Don't Shed

While this breed of cat is often called the short-haired Persian, the Exotic Shorthair’s hypoallergenic qualities far outpace those of the other. A Persian is likely to leave your whole home under a pile of discarded fur and dander, but the Exotic Shorthair, despite the similar facial features, has none of those qualities.

Choosing a Non-Shedding House Cat For Your Family

Welcoming a hypo-allergenic cat into your home is a great way to get the love of a pet and the comfort that you enjoyed before you got one. A hairless cat is guaranteed to create the least dander. Luckily, however, you can also find a non-shedding cat with just about any style of fur.